Chapter 16: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Section 1: Why is Energy Efficiency an Important Energy Resource?
Concept 16-1A: Improvements in energy efficiency could save at least a third of the energy used in the world and up to 43% of the energy used in the United States. Concept 16-1B: We have a variety of technologies for sharply increasing the energy efficiency of industrial operations, motor vehicles, appliances, and buildings. Section 2: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Solar Energy?
Concept 16-2: Passive and active solar heating systems can heat water and buildings effectively, and the costs of using direct sunlight to produce high-temperature heat and electricity are coming down. Section 3: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Hydropower?
Concept 16-3: We can use water flowing over dams, tidal flows, and ocean waves to generate electricity, but environmental concerns and limited availability of suitable sites may limit the use of these energy resources. Section 4: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Wind Power?
Concept 16-4: When we include the environmental costs of using energy resources in their market prices, wind power is the least expensive and least polluting way to produce electricity. |
Section 5: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Biomass as an Energy Source?
Concept 16-5A: Solid biomass is a renewable resource for much of the world's population, but burning it faster than it is replenished produces a net gain in atmospheric greenhouse gases. Concept 16-5B: We can use liquid biofuels derived from biomass to lessen our dependence on oil-based fuels, but creating biofuel plantations can degrade soil and biodiversity, increase greenhouse gas emissions, and lead to higher food prices. Section 6: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Geothermal Energy?
Concept 16-6: Geothermal energy has great potential for supplying many areas with heat and electricity, and has a generally low environmental impact, but the sites where it can be produced economically are limited. Section 7: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Hydrogen as an Energy Source?
Concept 16-7: Hydrogen is a clean energy source as long as it is not produced with the use of fossil fuels, but it has a negative net energy yield. Section 8: How Can We Make the Transition to a More Sustainable Energy Future?
Concept 16-8: We can make the transition to a more sustainable energy future by greatly improving energy efficiency, using a mix of renewable energy resources, and including the environmental and health costs of energy resources in their market prices. |
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